This distribution of Eclipse/PTP and related tools is brought to you by ParaTools and the University of Oregon. It includes pre-built packages for the following platforms:
This eclipse is a modified version of Eclipse Indigo. Modifications include the updated PTP projects in the dropins folder.
Configuring a Resource Manager
To launch eclipse, change to the eclipse directory and run the eclipse executable. For the first launch, run eclipse with the “-clean” parameter.
cd eclipse ./eclipse -clean
When prompted to select a workspace location, enter a location for your local eclipse workspace. When the main welcome window appears, click on the “Workbench: Go To Workbench” icon.
To configure a connection to an ALCF resource, such as Surveyor, do the following:
change to the “System Monitoring” Perspective. In the Main Menu, select the Window -> Open Perspective -> Other… option, then select “System Monitoring”.
- in the “Resource Managers” tab, right-click with the mouse and select the “Create “Add Resource Manager” item.
- in the “Choose Resource Manager Type” window, choose the “gov.anl.alcf.bgp.batch” item, and select “Next”.
- In the “Control Connection configuration” window, select the following:
- Remote service provider: Remote Tools
- Connection Name: select the “New…” button.
- In the “Generic Remote Host” sub-window, enter a meaningful name, such as “Surveyor” in the “Target Name” field. In the “Host Information” area, enter:
- Remote Host (selected)
- Host:
- User: your username
Do not enter the password here, you will be prompted for it. For Surveyor, you can also configure a public key authentication method. For Intrepid or Challenger, select the “password” method, as public key method will not work. Press “finish” to accept the configuration.
- Back in the “Control Connection Configuration”, confirm that your new host is selected in the “Connection Name” selection box, and press the “Next” button.
- In the “Monitor Connection configuration” window, press “Next”.
- In the “Common Resource Manager Configuration” window, you can accept the default name or (better) un-check the “Use default name and description” box and enter a more meaningful name in the “Name” text box. Press “Finish” to accept your new connection.
- To start and test the new connection, double-click with the mouse on the new Resource Manager, or right-click with the mouse and select the “Start Resource Manager” item.
WARNING !!! Due to a bug(?) in Eclipse PTP, if you enter the password incorrectly, you might end up in a cryptocard challenge-response reset loop. If that happens, force-quit eclipse (by killing the application). There is no other exit for now… After some initialization, you should see the active partitions for the resource in the “system: hostname” tab. The active running jobs will be listed in the “Active Jobs” tab. If you select an active running job, its job details will appear in the “Further” tab.
Creating a synchronized project
Note: Even though we are creating an MPI Fortran application, we will create it through the C/C++ perspective, to avoid a known bug.
Switch to the Remote C/C++ perspective. Under the main menu, select the “Window -> Open Perspective -> Other…” item. In the “Open Perspective” window, choose the “Remote C/C++” perspective and press the “OK” button.
Create a new project. Right-click with the mouse in the “Project Explorer” tab, and select the “New… -> Synchronized Fortran Project” item.
In the “New Synchronized Project” window, enter a project name in the “Project Name” box. Select the “Makefile project -> Demo Calculate Pi – Fortran using MPI” option under “Project Type”, and select “Other Toolchain” under the “Toolchains”. Press “Next” to continue.
- In the “Basic Settings” window, enter changes if desired. Press “Next”.
- In the “Select Configurations” window, accept the defaults and press “Next”.
- In the “Configure Remote Synchronization” window, select your configured resource manager in the “Connection” selection box. In the “Location” field, press the “Browse…” button and select a remote location for your project. If you enter a new directory, it will be created for you. As the project primarialy lives on your local system and is synchronized to the server for building and running, it is advised that you locate it in a scratch area. In some cases, it is REQUIRED that you locate the project in the scratch area (/gpfs/veas-fs0/$USER/) if your program writes to disk or if you want to generate TAU profiles later. The scratch area on Challenger/Intrepid is in /intrepid-fs0/users/$USER/scratch.
- For reliable compilation on BGQ, change the Makefile to use mpixlf90 or mpixlf90_r. To modify the Makefile, expand the project in the “Project Explorer” sub-window. Double-click the Makefile, make the changes in the editor, and save the file.
Running a synchronized project
- Select your project in the “Project Explorer” tab.
Build your project by right-clicking with the mouse on your project name, and select the “Build Project” icon, or by selecting “Project -> Build Project” in the main menu. Be patient as the build runs locally and on the remote system. The build will also run automatically when the run is submitted.
In the main menu, select the “Run -> Run Configurations…” item.
- In the “Run Configurations” window, double-click with the mouse on the “Parallel Application” item.
- In the “Resources” tab, select your resource manager.
- In the “Basic PBS Settings” tab, enter the job information. These values will be passed to the qsub program. (note about queues – 512 nodes or more are required to run on Intrepid. For tests, use Surveyor or Challenger.) For example:
- Account: some meaningful account
- Queue: default
- Number of Nodes: 32
- BG/P Mode: vn (or BG/Q Mode: c16)
- In the “Application” tab, select the “Application program” by pressing on the “Browse” button, and navigating to the project directory on the remote host, then expand the bin directory to find your executable.
- In the “Arguments” tab, de-select the “Use default working directory” checkbox, and browse to your remote project main directory.
- Run the program by pressing the “run” button.
- The remote build will (again) happen automatically, and the job will be submitted. You can monitor the build process by switching to the “Console” tab in the bottom sub-window. There is a current bug in which the job *might* mark itself COMPLETED in the Eclipse interface as soon as it is submitted. That is only because it does not show up immediately in the “qstat” results.
- Switch to the “System Monitoring” perspective, and wait for your job to appear in the “Active Jobs” tab, and in the system map tab.
when the job completes, you can view the output logs by synchronizing the projects in eclipse. To force synchronization, switch back to the “Remote C/C++” perspective. Right-click with the mouse on your project, and select the “Synchronization -> Sync all now” item. The job cobaltlog, error and output files should appear in the “Project Explorer” tab.
Profiling with TAU
NOTE: In order to profile with TAU, make sure TAU is in your path on the remote system, BY DEFAULT. That is, it should be set in your .bashrc or .cshrc file. The path to TAU should be set to /soft/apps/tau/tau_latest/bgp/bin on BG/P systems, and /soft/perftools/tau/tau_latest/bgq/bin on BG/Q.
- Select your project in the “Project Explorer” tab.
- The Makefile for the project has to be modified to use TAU. To modify the Makefile, double-click the makefile in the project and it will appear in the editor. Below the “.PHONY” line, add the following lines:
F90=mpif90 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx include<span class="line">c</span>
For BG/Q, use the compilers mpixlf90_r, mpixlc_r, and mpixlC_r. Also, change the “all:” build command, replacing “mpif90” with “$(F90)”. Save the Makefile.
Create the “” file. Right-click on the project in the “Project Explorer” and select “New -> New File” menu item. In the “New File” dialog, enter “” in the “File name:” text box. Press “Finish” to create the file.
Optionally, build your project by right-clicking with the mouse on your project name, and select the “Build Project” icon, or by selecting “Project -> Build Project” in the main menu. Be patient as the build runs locally and on the remote system. The build will also run automatically when the run is submitted.
In the main menu, select the “Profile -> Profile Configurations…” item.
- In the “Profile Configurations” window, the profiling instructions are based on the “Run” settings from the previous step.
- In the “Performance Analysis” tab, in the “Select Tool:” selection box, select TAU.
- In the “TAU” tab, select the “Makefile.tau-bgptimers-mpi-pdt” makefile.
In the “TAU -> TAU Runtime” internal tab, replace “%%PROJECT_DIR%%” with the remote path to the main project directory. Otherwise, Eclipse won’t find the profiles (known bug). If you are executing on BG/Q and your project lives in the /home/$USER, you will need to specify the scratch area for your profiles (/gpfs/veas-fs0/$USER/).
In the “TAU -> Data Collection” tab, select a local database configuration, and optionally select the “Print Profile Summary” checkbox.
- Save the settings by pressing the “Apply” button, and submit the request by pressing the “Run” button.
The remote build will (first to build, then to clean, then to build with TAU) happen automatically, and the job will be submitted. You can monitor the build process by switching to the “Console” tab in the bottom sub-window. There is a current bug in which the job might mark itself COMPLETED in the Eclipse interface as soon as it is submitted. That is only because it does not show up immediately in the “qstat” results.
- Switch to the “System Monitoring” perspective, and wait for your job to appear in the “Active Jobs” tab, and in the system map tab.
when the job completes, you can view the output logs by synchronizing the projects in eclipse. To force synchronization, switch back to the “Remote C/C++” perspective. Right-click with the mouse on your project, and select the “Synchronization -> Sync all now” item. The job cobaltlog, error and output files should appear in the “Project Explorer” tab.
- The profiles will be automatically summarized in the console tab, and the profiles will be uploaded to the local database.
Exiting Eclipse
To avoid the cryptocard challenge-response reset loop, stop the Resource Manager before exiting eclipse. To stop the resource manager, change to the “System Monitoring” perspective, and right-click with the mouse on the running resource manager. Select “Stop Resource Manager”.
If you do end up in the reset loop, just force terminate eclipse.
outdated releases
This distribution of Eclipse/PTP and related tools is brought to you by ParaTools and the University of Oregon. It includes pre-built packages for the following platforms:
Building MPI bindings
These distributions include CDT, Photran, PyDev, PTP, and support for performance evaluation using the TAU performance tools plugin. To build the MPI bindings, you may download the script:
and put mpicc in your path and launch it using: <eclipse_root_dir>
This will build the PTP components that rely on your system MPI.
Please contact us for questions or support.